Blade&Sword – A Beginner’s Guide to Character Development, Crafting, and Boss Fights

Blade&Sword is a Chinese game that can be a bit challenging for new players. This guide is designed to help beginners with character development, crafting, and boss fights. We’ll share some tips and tricks that we wish we had known when we started playing this game.

Character Development:

Before you start playing Blade&Sword, it’s important to understand the game’s character development system. You have a variety of skills to choose from, and you’ll want to experiment with them to find the best single-target combo and the best skill for fighting multiple enemies.

As you progress through the game, you’ll be able to invest in the best skills for your character. It’s important to note that you can’t max out all the skills, so you’ll need to choose which ones to invest in. Some skills, like Celestial Chop, are not very useful and can be skipped.

Once you’ve used all the skills in a particular tree, you’ll unlock the ultimate finishing maneuver. While this sounds impressive, it’s often not very useful. Instead, focus on investing in the best skills for your character.


Blade&Sword has a robust crafting system that can be a bit overwhelming for new players. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Jewel Slots: Make sure you have the most jewels in your weapon and armor slots. Weapon slots don’t grant offensive bonuses, and armor slots only provide defensive bonuses.
  •  Equipment Appearance: Blade&Sword doesn’t require any equipment, but your jewel setup will affect your appearance. As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock up to 6 slots for weapons and 6 slots for armor.
  •  Horadric Cube: You can make three identical jewels larger by using the Horadric Cube. You can always remove them from the set and resocket. However, you can’t have multiple types (one per armor and weapon). This is why you should experiment and mix it up.
  •  Jade: At some point, you’ll be able to buy an uncut jade from a vendor. You can make a “refined jade” from 3 uncut jades, and 3 refined jades can be combined into a single “perfect jade”. Perfect jades can grant special jewels (like Avarice or Lunar Pearls) that are extremely powerful and can grant higher bonuses. You should have these powerful jewels in addition to a variety of standard perfect jewels so you don’t wear anything that isn’t optimal.
  •  Pavonine Agate: This is a very rare jewel, but it can be combined into a cube with another jewel to create an amulet. Amulet jewels grant all their bonuses, and you can carry up to six of them in a special bag. They can be used on the best jewels.

Boss Fights:

Blade&Sword has some challenging boss fights, but some strategies can help you succeed.

Approach cautiously: Try to activate and lure one or two enemies simultaneously. Even in boss fights, it’s possible to approach cautiously and evade several enemies at once. Clear out the area before facing the boss. You can split and kite enemies if necessary. These are also great occasions to use your ultimate skills as well as consumables such as decoys and summons.

Big Melee Bosses: These bosses tend to be quite slow and can parry or dodge everything you throw at them. Make sure you have enough space and clear out the minions before taking on the boss.

King Hawk: This boss is a flier and can be a brutal fight. It’s best to prepare with an uppercut skill to hit him off guard. You’ll then need to deliver your single-target

Wizard Wen is a challenging boss fight in Blade&Sword who enjoys unleashing one-shot attacks that engulf the player in flames, among other absurd area-of-effect moves. Additionally, this boss tends to summon enemies, making it crucial for players to remain mobile throughout the fight. This means constantly moving around the boss, dodging attacks, and using consumables like decoys and summons to keep the pressure off of the player.

General Jo is the final boss fight of the game, and it is notoriously difficult. With an enormous health bar, super strong attacks, and a hard-to-hit target, General Jo is a formidable foe. Some players may find this fight to be virtually impossible, requiring them to spend significant amounts of time grinding to acquire more gold and purchase additional potions before attempting the fight again. However, some players have found success in this fight by having two summons activated and then attacking with a shorter combo once the boss is facing one of the summonses. Although this strategy may take a significant amount of time, it can be an effective way to defeat General Jo and complete the game.

Example of Combination

Here’s an example of a single target 14-hit combo you can use: Attackx2, Triple Strikex2, Attackx2, Attackx2, Dragon Lift, Attack, and Dragon Catcher. You can also use shorter combos that are quicker to do single-target damage without being a victim in some parts.


Is Blade&Sword available in languages other than Chinese?

Blade&Sword is available in English and other languages besides Chinese. However, some translations may not be accurate, so it’s important to be aware of potential language barriers.

Is there multiplayer support in Blade&Sword?

Unfortunately, Blade&Sword does not have multiplayer support. It’s a single-player game only.

What is the recommended age for playing Blade&Sword?

Blade&Sword is rated M for Mature, so it is recommended for players aged 17 and up due to the game’s violence and adult themes.

How many slots do you unlock for weapons and armor as the game progresses?

You can unlock up to six slots for weapons and six for armor as the game progresses.

Can you have multiple types of jewels (one per armor and weapon)?

No, you can’t have multiple types of jewels.

What should you save for in crafting?

You should save for perfect jades that can grant special jewels that are extremely powerful and can provide higher bonuses.


Blade&Sword is a challenging game that can be overwhelming for new players, but with some patience and practice, it can be a rewarding experience. Experimenting with different character builds and combos, as well as using effective strategies for boss fights can make the gameplay more enjoyable. The crafting system can also add depth to the game and provide players with powerful bonuses.

However, it’s important to be aware of the game’s language barrier and mature content. With this guide, new players can have a better understanding of Blade&Sword’s basic gameplay and hopefully enjoy the game even more.

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