Clash Mini Tier List (2023) – Best Minis & Heroes for Your Deck

Clash of Clans has become one of the most popular games worldwide, and with the release of Clash Miniatures, players now have a new level of excitement added to their gameplay. As with any game, some minis and heroes are more valuable than others, and understanding their importance can give players an edge in the game. In this article, we will discuss the Clash Mini Tier List for 2023 and the best minis and heroes to use.

Why Placement is Key in Clash Mini

In Clash Mini, strategy is critical. One essential component of your strategy should be your miniatures’ placement. Unpredictable placement can give you an advantage over your opponents. Keep this in mind as you consider the following tier list.

Three Tiers of Clash Miniatures

In this Clash Mini Tier List, we’ve categorized the miniatures into three tiers:

1. Tier S Mini Heroes

These are the strongest minis in the game, dominating the meta or having a strong position for a long time. They can be used in various decks, and many professional players have them in their decks.

  • Giant Skeleton – Giant Skeleton drops a bomb that deals three damage and stuns enemies briefly in an area. Giant Skeleton hits one damage per hit.
  • Electro Wizard – Electro Wizard works well in Electrical Board, damaging and stunning two enemies.
  • Magic Archer – Magic Archer is most effective when placed in corners, but don’t forget to change his placement after every round.
  • Miner – Miner is a great mini for countering Spear Goblin, Archer, and other long-ranged minis.
  • Mega Knight – Mega Knight is an excellent choice for a tank and will be your primary tank in your decks.
  • Bowler – Bowler is an excellent card for countering spear goblins.
  • Spear Goblin – This miniature throws a massive spear forward, dealing damage on impact.
  • Pekka – Pekka is another primary tank option if you don’t want to play with Mega Knight.
  • Prince – Prince charges forward, dealing damage and pushing back enemies on impact.

2. Tier A Mini Heroes

These minis have a significant role but only in one deck.

  • Knight – For two elixir, Knight becomes a powerful mini tank.
  • Barbarian – Each Barbarian attack increases speed and can stack up to 10 times.
  • Archer – She is a good choice if you want to use a long-range mini.
  • Wizard – Wizard throws a fireball that damages enemies in an area.
  • Guard – Guard is a great choice because they gain six shields for a short time.
  • Mini Pekka – Mini Pekka has a small chance to deal 2x damage.

3. Tier B Mini Heroes

  • Battle Healer – The Battle Healer is a powerful support hero that can heal nearby allies for 6 HP. This hero is best used to keep your front-line troops alive and healthy during a battle. With its healing abilities, the Battle Healer can turn the tide of a battle in your favor.
  • Valkyrie – The Valkyrie is a melee fighter that uses a spinning attack to damage surrounding enemies. This hero is best used to take out groups of weaker enemies or to deal damage to enemy structures. With its high damage output and durability, the Valkyrie is a valuable addition to any deck.
  • Healing Ranger – The Healing Ranger is a ranged hero that throws a magic spear at the farthest ally, healing allies in its path for 4 HP. This hero is best used to provide support to your troops from a safe distance. With its healing abilities and long-range attacks, the Healing Ranger can keep your troops alive and deal damage to enemies at the same time.
  • Dart Goblin – The Dart Goblin is a ranged hero that increases its attack speed with each attack, stacking up to 10 times. This hero is best used to deal quick damage to enemy structures or to take out weaker enemies. With its high attack speed and mobility, the Dart Goblin can be a difficult hero to deal with.
  • Lumberjack – The Lumberjack is a melee fighter that tosses a potion to the closest ally, increasing their speed. This hero is best used to provide a speed boost to your front-line troops, allowing them to quickly advance on enemy structures or to escape from danger. With its mobility and speed-boosting abilities, the Lumberjack can be a valuable addition to any deck.
  • Musketeers – The Musketeers are ranged heroes that can stun, push back, and deal damage to the target. These heroes are best used to deal damage from a safe distance and to control the battlefield. With their crowd control abilities and high damage output, the Musketeers can be a force to be reckoned with.

Clash Mini Heroes Tier List:

This Clash Mini Heroes Tier List table aims to provide you with a breakdown of the game’s best characters, including their strengths and weaknesses.

SArcher QueenA force to be reckoned with. Has a powerful ranged attack and can take down enemy heroes and defenses with ease. Her ability, Royal Cloak, increases her damage and makes her temporarily invulnerable.
SShieldA tank who can absorb a lot of damage, making him an excellent choice for protecting weaker heroes. His ability, Shield Wall, allows him to protect allies behind him and further increase his tankiness.
SMonkA support hero who can heal allies and deal damage to enemies. He is an excellent addition to any team and can be a game-changer in the right hands. His ability, Divine Intervention, increases the healing he does and can even resurrect fallen heroes.
ACountessA versatile hero who can deal damage and has a lot of mobility. She can jump over walls and quickly move around the battlefield. Her ability, Leap Strike, allows her to jump onto enemy heroes and deal a lot of damage.
ABarbarian KingA melee hero who can deal a lot of damage. He is an excellent choice for taking down enemy defenses and can even heal himself when he deals damage. His ability, Iron Fist, increases his damage and attack speed.
BRoyal ChampionA ranged hero who can deal a lot of damage. However, she is relatively fragile compared to other heroes, and her abilities are not as impactful. Her ability, Seeking Shield, allows her to deal damage and bounce her shield off enemies.

Clash Mini Best Heroes: Archer Queen and Monk

Archer Queen

The Archer Queen is a powerful ranged hero that can deal massive damage to enemy units. Her Super Crossbow ability allows her to increase her speed and hit up to three enemies at once for a period of 5 seconds. This ability costs 7 energy to use, and with a hit speed of 1 second, it will take at most 7 seconds for the Archer Queen to charge her Super.

It’s important to note that the Archer Queen should not be placed in the frontlines, as she has the lowest HP out of all the heroes. This means that it will be rare for her to take damage and charge her Super through that means. Instead, try to position her in a safe location where she can still deal damage to the enemy.

Archer Queen Pros and Cons

High damage outputLow HP
Super Crossbow can hit up to 3 enemiesSupercharge rate can be slow
Ranged attackVulnerable to enemy heroes


The Monk is a versatile hero that can deal both melee and ranged damage. His Super, Peace Maker, allows his next attack to deal 8 damage – enough to one-shot the Archer Queen and over half of the Minis in the game. This ability costs 10 energy to use, and with a hit speed of approximately 1.7 seconds, it will take at most 16 to 17 seconds for the Monk to charge his Super.

The Monk’s versatility makes him a great choice for a variety of situations. He can deal with both enemy heroes and Minis, making him a valuable addition to any team composition.

Monk Pros and Cons

Versatile damage outputSupercharge rate can be slow
Can deal with both enemy heroes and MinisNo ranged attack
Peace Maker can one-shot many enemiesVulnerable to high damage enemies

Strategies for using Archer Queen and Monk

Now that we’ve covered the strengths and weaknesses of the Archer Queen and Monk, let’s discuss some strategies for using them effectively in Clash Mini.

Archer Queen Strategies

  • Position the Archer Queen in a safe location where she can still deal damage to the enemy.
  • Use Super Crossbow when there are multiple enemy units in range.
  • Pair the Archer Queen with a tankier hero to protect her from enemy attacks.
  • Avoid using Super Crossbow when there are no enemy units in range, as this can waste energy.

Monk Strategies

  • Use Peace Maker to quickly take out high priority targets, such as the Archer Queen or enemy Minis.
  • Combine the Monk with other heroes that can deal ranged damage to provide cover fire.
  • Position the Monk behind a tankier hero to protect him from enemy attacks.
  • Save energy for Peace Maker and use it strategically to turn the tide of battle.

Clash Mini Decks ALL PRO PLAYERS USE in 2023


The Clash Mini Tier List for 2023 provides players with valuable information on the best minis and heroes to use in the game. Understanding the three tiers and the most powerful mini heroes can give players an edge in battles. By using the Archer Queen and Monk, players can maximize their effectiveness and lead their team to victory.


What are the Tier S mini heroes?

The Tier S mini heroes are the most powerful and include Archer Queen, Barbarian King, and Grand Warden.

What is the best strategy for using the Archer Queen?

To maximize the Archer Queen’s effectiveness, players should keep her at a distance from enemies and use her cloak ability to avoid being targeted.

What is the Monk’s ability?

The Monk is a healer mini hero that has the ability to heal friendly troops in the game.

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