Dead Signal Threat Avoidance How to Guide

In this how to avoid threats in Dead Signal guide, you’ll discover how to expertly avoid threats in the game Dead Signal and level up your gaming skills.

I’m here to help you navigate Dead Signal and steer clear of threats in the game. Keep in mind that since the game is new, there might be some variations.

Avoiding Noir

Noir is a mysterious cult in the game, hiding behind The Prey. They have two followers: Male Noir and Female Noir.

Male Noir

Male Noir appears in your apartment and on the rooftop. Watch out for him in these spots:

  • In front of the TV
  • Middle of your house
  • Next to the PC
  • Behind the sofa
  • At the rooftop
  • Plus two unknown locations

To avoid Male Noir:

  1. Shine your flashlight on him when you spot him.
  2. Turn around and count to ten.
  3. He’ll vanish after that.

Female Noir

Female Noir lurks in corridors and on the rooftop, including yours.

To avoid Female Noir:

  1. Get close to her.
  2. Stop when she tilts her head.
  3. Turn around without touching your mouse.
  4. After she says “don’t move,” count to ten.
  5. She’ll disappear; remember, don’t move your mouse.

Avoiding Lucas

Lucas is a sharp-dressed, tattooed man with weapons.

To avoid Lucas:

  1. Periodically check your apartment windows for lasers.
  2. Watch for lasers on the roof.
  3. Keep your apartment door locked.
  4. Close the door behind you when you leave.

If you encounter any of the above situations:

Laser in My Apartment

  • Don’t panic.
  • Don’t stay still.
  • Use your flashlight sparingly.
  • Hide in your bathtub or under your bed.
  • Wait; the darkness helps you hide.

Laser on the Rooftop

  • If near the elevator, block his view.
  • Don’t stay still.
  • Use your flashlight briefly if needed.

Near the Package or Antenna

  • Hide near the package or antenna.
  • Peek only when necessary; don’t overdo it.

Avoiding Mr. Delfalco

Mr. Delfalco is akin to “The Doll Maker” from WTTG 2, and avoiding him is tricky.

Sight of Mr. Delfalco

If you see a man with a black straw hat and a black jacket:

  • This is Mr. Delfalco.
  • You can’t report him.
  • He’ll stare menacingly and attempt to kill you.
  • Follow the steps below.

In Your Apartment

  • If you hear a whistle, he’s about to enter.
  • Get up, dim the lights if possible, and hide under your bed.
  • Wait for him to leave.

On the Rooftop

  • If you hear elevator sounds, hide.
  • Mr. Delfalco will roam but won’t harm you.

Approaching a Corridor

  • He spawns on every floor except yours.
  • Conserve stamina while delivering packages.
  • If he spawns, walk toward the delivery door.
  • If a door opens in front of you, run to the elevator.


Remember that this information might not be 100% accurate due to the game’s newness. Apologies for any inconvenience. Stay safe and enjoy your gaming experience!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1: Can I report Male Noir or Female Noir?

A1: No, you can’t report them. Just follow the steps mentioned in the guide to avoid them.

Q2: What happens if I encounter Mr. Delfalco?

A2: Mr. Delfalco will try to hunt you down. Follow the avoidance methods provided in the guide depending on your location in the game.

Q3: How long should I wait when hiding from Mr. Delfalco?

A3: The waiting time varies, especially when hiding from Male Noir or Mr. Delfalco. It depends on factors like the lighting conditions in the game.

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