DREDGE – Basic Guide to Sanity and Panic: Tips, Strategies, and More

Are you new to the world of Lovecraftian horror and eldritch? Do you feel like your sanity is at risk while playing DREDGE? Fear not! This guide contains tips, strategies, and information to help you stay sane and panic-free.

Decoding the Eyeballs

As you play DREDGE, you will notice a meter that measures your sanity. In this game, it’s called Panic. The more you look at the horrors that await you, the more you lose your mind. To prevent this, you can read books or cast spells to lessen the adverse effects.

The Graphic User Interface (GUI) overlay displays the time and your current status in the middle of the screen. As night falls, certain things begin to show up, and the space in the upper center of your screen begins to glow.

First, a blue eye appears, signaling that it’s getting late at night. If you continue looking at it, your eyes may change color, indicating that you’re entering the eye.

The last warning is a brown eye. If you spot this, stop fishing and locate a safe place to stay for the night.

However, if you see a red eye, PANIC! This means that you’re about to lose your mind, and it’s time to get out of there.

Basic Builds

To stay sane, it’s important to have a basic build. The following are some useful builds:

  • Exploration Build: If you’re planning to explore the open ocean, you’ll need an exploration build. This build requires a sturdy boat, a deep-sea suit, and extra oxygen tanks.
  • Fishing Build: If you’re planning to do some serious fishing, you’ll need a fishing build. This build requires a large inventory, a bottomless line, and a kraken generator.
  • Combat Build: If you’re planning to fight off monsters, you’ll need a combat build. This build requires a sturdy boat, a harpoon, and a shark spear.

Solutions Guidelines

To avoid panic, you need to have a plan. Here are some guidelines to help you stay calm:

  • Create a Safe Space: It’s important to have a safe place to retreat to when the panic sets in. You can build a base or use a dock.
  • Plan Your Route: Before setting out, plan your route and identify safe zones along the way.
  • Stay Alert: Always be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye out for any signs of danger.
  • Manage Your Panic: If you start to panic, take a break from the game, or read a book to reduce the effects of Panic.


Q: What is Panic?

A: Panic is a meter that measures your sanity in the game. The more you look at the horrors that await you, the more you lose your mind.

Q: How can I reduce the effects of Panic?

A: You can read books or cast spells to lessen the adverse effects of Panic.

Q: What should I do if I see a red eye?

A: PANIC! It’s time to get out of there.


DREDGE can be a terrifying experience, but with the right strategies, you can stay sane and panic-free. Use the guidelines and tips provided in this guide to create a basic build, plan your route, and manage your panic.

Remember to stay alert and always be aware of your surroundings. With these tips, you’ll be able to survive the horrors that await you in the depths of the ocean.

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