DREDGE – Fish Types Info: Everything You Need to Know

Are you tired of getting attacked by mysterious creatures in the ocean while playing DREDGE? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this post, we will discuss the different types of creatures that you may encounter in DREDGE and how to deal with them.

Night Angler

The Night Angler is a ghost ship that can be seen on the water at night. If you see it, it will make a distinctive blaring foghorn noise, and it will attack you once causing hull damage like crashing into an item. To avoid the Night Angler, it’s best to keep track of the dock’s location when you’re out late at night.

The Serpent

The Serpent is a large, eellike creature that lives in the cliff caves of Gale Cliffs. Once you know where it crosses the cliff ‘path’, it’s easy to wait for the swim to pass and avoid the hit. If it attacks you, it will only damage the hull once, much like crashing into something.

The Kraken

The Kraken is a giant octopus that lives in a deep pit in the Stellar Basin. It won’t attack you, but if you approach it, it will strike you with its tentacles, causing hull damage similar to crashing against an object. You can activate a device claimed to scare the Kraken or enrage it, and explore the entire area while the device is running.

Mind Suckers

Mind Suckers are tiny, worm-like creatures that are initially underwater invisible but will slowly rise from the water to be visible as you approach. If they spot you moving, they will follow you. They can be avoided if you’re cautious, and if they approach you, the Banish spell is a safe and effective way to get rid of them.

Firefish, Mama Fish

Firefish are small, orange/red fish that live in small groups around Devil’s Spine’s ruins. Mama Fish is a much bigger, paler Fire Fish. Mama Fish relies on her babies for guidance, and she will turn towards you if the babies reach your boat. Mama Fish and Fire Fish are the most difficult enemy to get to know, but they can be quite manageable if one is careful.

Miasma/Whispering Fog

Miasma is a red/pink/purple cloud of fog that appears at night, which will chase after you and cause panic, but won’t inflict any damage to your boat. It can be destroyed by the Banish spell.

Birds and Phantom Shark

Birds are enemies that will attack during the day if the player has high panic. Phantom Shark appears in the Gale Cliffs (or Stellar Basin) when the player is feeling panicked.

Water Rumbles and Spined Leviathan

Water Rumbles are deep, roaring noises that you will hear when crossing the sea. Spined Leviathan is a large creature that occasionally spawns from the deep water of the Twisted Strand. It can be avoided by keeping moving.

Shipwreck Truck Crabs

Shipwreck Truck Crabs are giant crabs that disguise themselves as regular shipwrecks. They will become active if you approach them, quickly raising their claws and lashing out at you, but they won’t pursue and they are easy to avoid.


Dolphins and Whales are completely harmless and won’t cause any damage to your boat.


What is the Banish spell?

The Banish spell is a safe and effective way to get rid of creatures that may pose a threat in DREDGE.

How do I avoid the Night Angler?

It’s best to keep track of the dock’s location.


In conclusion, DREDGE – Fish Types Info Guide provides detailed information about various creatures in the game and how to deal with them. While some of these creatures can be dangerous, they are mostly easy to avoid or deal with, and some are completely harmless. We hope that this guide has been useful and informative for you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below, and we will do our best to address them as soon as possible. Happy fishing!

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