DREDGE – How to catch Angler Fish Easily (Tips & Guide)

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on how to catch Angler Fish in DREDGE. We hope you found it informative and helpful.

Catching these elusive fish can be a challenging task, but with the right equipment and strategy, it is definitely achievable. In this guide, we have provided some tips on how to catch the Angler Fish, Stoplight Loosejaw, Giant Amphipod, and Snailfish.

Personal Advice

Before we get into the specifics of catching each fish, we have some personal advice to offer. First, we suggest that you have at least Hull level 2 and extra cargo slots to increase your chances of catching these rare fish. Second, we recommend upgrading your engines to make it easier to get around.

Finding the Angler Fish

To catch the Angler Fish, you will need to upgrade your fishing equipment to Bottomless Lines to be able to catch both Hadal and Abyssal fish. We found that the Angler Fish can often be caught between grids C3 and B3 in the late morning.

Finding the Stoplight Loosejaw

Contrary to its name, you don’t actually need to catch a “Stoplight Loosejaw” for the mission requirements. A regular Loosejaw meets the requirements. To catch this fish, we recommend upgrading your fishing gear to the Bottomless Line. The spawning point for this fish is in grid D6 during the night. Keep an eye out for red dots under the water as you run to the coordinates. Fish over that area, and you should have your Loosejaw.

Finding the Giant Amphipod and Snailfish

To catch the Giant Amphipod and Snailfish, you will need to connect the generator to the device to keep the Kraken at bay while you fish. Failure to do so will quickly result in your demise. You must also have your equipment upgraded to the Bottomless Line to be able to catch these fish.

Wait for the night to fall and then activate the generator by clicking on it. This will block the Kraken from your face. Once the ward moves and makes an annoying noise, use your spotting scope to find the fish’s points in the center and catch the two fish you need.


Catching rare fish in DREDGE can be a daunting task, but with our guide, you should have a better understanding of how to catch the Angler Fish, Stoplight Loosejaw, Giant Amphipod, and Snailfish. Remember to upgrade your fishing equipment, be patient, and use the right strategies to increase your chances of success. Good luck and happy fishing!

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