Have a Nice Death All Bosses Attacks (Guide to Defeat All Bosses)

Welcome to our guide on how to survive against all the bosses in Have a Nice Death. In this guide, we’ll go over the different boss attacks and give you tips on how to counter them.

Area 1 Security


Brad has four different attacks, and each one requires a different strategy to counter. When he charges at you from the air, dodge him by moving out of the way. If he winds up his fist and does short motions toward you, be prepared to dodge his dive attack that follows the first two punches. When he flies in the air and throws rocks down at you, dash through them to avoid getting hit. Finally, when Brad jumps into the center of the arena and takes a selfie, gets ready for the possibility of rocks coming up from the floor.

Will Hung

Will Hung also has three attacks. When he shifts his weight back and does a punching-like motion, avoid getting hit by it multiple times. When he throws the rope far in front of him, keep an eye out for where the ropes will pop back up out of the ground. Lastly, when he floats higher in the air and slams the rope into the ground, make sure you’re not in the way of the impact.

Area 2 Pollution

Mr. Gordan Grimes

Mr. Gordan Grimes will sink into the floor and materialize in another part of the map, making him hard to track. When he thrusts his hand forward, be sure to stay away from him. When he sticks his hand in the ground, watch out for the three hands that he shoots up. Finally, when he shoots small balls of tar at you, dodge them by moving out of the way.


Slyma has four different attacks. When she faces herself down and pushes herself into the air, make sure you’re not standing too close to her. When she creates a web ball, avoid it as it creeps down the area until it reaches the floor. When she flies down towards the player in an arc, dodge it by moving out of the way. Lastly, when she creates a pool of crepe, make sure you’re not standing in it.

Area 3 Disease

Mr. Hector Krank

Mr. Hector Krank has four different attacks. When he lunges forward and thrusts his claw at you, dodge it by moving out of the way. When he thrusts his claw at you, be prepared to dodge his farther-reaching attack. When he charges at you, jump or dash past him. Lastly, when he summons two little crabs, take them out as quickly as possible.

Denzel “King” Dengue

Denzel “King” Dengue has two attacks. When he charges at you, look for the indicators of where he is charging from. When he spits out little minions, take them out quickly and keep an eye on your health as he gains some health back from hitting you.

Area 4 Addiction


Maxxx has five different attacks. When he teleports into the air and spawns four hands, dodge them by moving out of the way. When he shoots 12 spikes at you, keep moving to avoid getting hit by all of them. When he fires two groups of spikes in your direction, be prepared to dodge them. When he fires hands from the top of the screen, moves out of the way of them. Lastly, when he continuously blows you away towards smashing fists, stay on your guard and be ready to dodge.


Candice has three different attacks. When she teleports randomly around the arena and thrusts her lollipop at you, make sure you’re not on the far sides of the arena. When she attacks from above, jump then dash to

avoid getting hit by her lollipop slam. Finally, when she teleports to get you to dash, be prepared to dodge if she doesn’t attack immediately.

Defeat the Final Boss

Are you struggling to defeat the final boss in Have a Nice Death? Major Warren Pliskhan is a challenging opponent, but with the right strategies, you can emerge victorious. Here are some helpful tips:

How does Pliskhan attack during his airborne phase?
During his airborne phase, Pliskhan sprays fire downward and tries to stay on top of the player. Be prepared to dodge his fire and move around to avoid getting hit.

How can you avoid Pliskhan’s rockets and giant missile charge?
When Pliskhan fires his rockets, move around to avoid getting hit by the random blasts. When he charges on a giant missile, he will leave a gap in the fire behind him – use this opportunity to dash through and avoid damage.

What’s the best way to deal with Pliskhan’s bomb jumps and missile attack?
When Pliskhan jumps around on a small bomb, his jumps create explosions when he lands on the ground. Keep moving to avoid getting hit. Finally, when he fires a big missile, destroy it before it hits you to avoid taking damage.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to defeating Major Warren Pliskhan and beating Have a Nice Death. Remember to stay on your guard and dodge quickly to avoid getting hit. Good luck!


What’s the best way to defeat all the bosses?

The best way to defeat all the bosses is to learn their attacks and be prepared to dodge them. You can also try to exploit their weaknesses and take them down quickly.

Are there any secret attacks that the bosses have?

There are no secret attacks that the bosses have, but they may have different attack patterns depending on the difficulty level.

How many areas are there in Have a Nice Death?

There are four areas in Have a Nice Death, and each one has its own set of bosses to defeat.


In conclusion, surviving against all the bosses in Have a Nice Death requires quick reflexes and the ability to adapt to their different attacks. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to take down all the bosses and emerge victorious. Remember to stay on your guard, learn their attack patterns, and dodge quickly to avoid getting hit. Good luck and have fun!

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