Hogwarts Legacy: How to Get New Clothes Quickly and Easily

Are you a fan of the magical world of Hogwarts Legacy? Do you want to learn how to get new clothes quickly and easily? Or do you want to know how to change your clothing and appearance in the game? Then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll cover both topics in detail.

Easy Method: Special Shop In Hogsmeade

Let’s start with getting new clothes in Hogwarts Legacy. To do this, you need to visit the special shop called Besenknechts Sunday State in Hogsmeade, owned by Augustus Hill. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Talk to Augustus and buy any good items he has for sale.
  2. If he doesn’t have anything useful, sleep a total of 6 times by going to the map and waiting and choosing.
  3. After sleeping 6 times, save your progress before talking to Augustus.
  4. Talk to Augustus again and see what he has for sale. If he doesn’t have anything you like, reload your saved progress and he will offer different items for sale.
  5. Repeat this process until you find an item that you want to buy. Keep in mind that once you buy an item, it will stay with Augustus until you wait 6 times on the map again.

How to Change Clothing:

Now, let’s move on to changing your clothing in Hogwarts Legacy. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to the Gear tab in the menu to see everything you’re wearing.
  2. Hover over the item you want to change and press the button prompt at the bottom of the item description saying “Change Appearance”. The button required will vary depending on what platform you’re playing on.
  3. This will open up a new menu where you can see every Collection clothing type you’ve unlocked and items you’ve found, including pre-order bonuses like the Dark Arts cosmetic set.
  4. You can change the appearance of your gear anytime you want, and once you’ve unlocked a clothing type, you can change your look to it forever.
  5. If you want to put your hood on or off, right-click the item to do so. However, not every Cloaks and Robes choice has a hood option available.

By following these simple steps, you can get new clothes quickly and easily in Hogwarts Legacy anytime you want. So, get ready to show off your new look and take on the challenges of the magical world.

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