How to Sonic Superstars Spin Dash (Ultimate Spindash Guide)

If you’re a Sonic Superstars player and you’ve been wondering how to execute the iconic Spindash maneuver, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to perform this legendary move made famous by Sonic The Hedgehog himself.

What is the Spindash?

The Spindash is a high-speed rolling move that Sonic uses to gain momentum and zoom through levels. It was originally invented by Miles “Tails” Prower and has since become one of Sonic’s signature moves. Mastering the Spindash can help you tackle steep slopes and blaze through the game with style.

Step One: Get Ready to Spin

To initiate the Spindash, you need to get Sonic into the right position. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Crouch: Press the down direction on your directional pad or analog stick. Sonic will crouch down, getting ready to spin.

Step Two: Spin It Up

Now that Sonic is in the crouching position, it’s time to start spinning. Follow these steps:

  1. Hold Down: While keeping the down direction pressed, start rapidly tapping the “Jump” button. This will set Sonic spinning in place, gearing up for the Spindash.

Step Three: Let Sonic Loose

With Sonic revved up and ready to go, it’s time to release the Spindash and watch him zoom. Here’s what to do:

  1. Release Down: Let go of the down direction on your directional pad or analog stick. Sonic will instantly shoot forward at an incredible speed.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully executed a Spindash.

When to Use the Spindash

The Spindash isn’t just for show; it’s a valuable move that can help you in various situations:

  • Speed Boost: Use the Spindash to quickly accelerate and reach top speed.
  • Climbing Slopes: When you encounter steep slopes or inclines, the Spindash can help Sonic climb them with ease.
  • Enemy Attacks: Sonic can use the Spindash to attack enemies by rolling into them.

Tips for Mastering the Spindash

Now that you know how to perform the Spindash, here are some tips to become a Spindash expert:

  • Practice: Like any skill, mastering the Spindash takes practice. Spend time in the game’s training mode to get the hang of it.
  • Timing is Key: The timing of your button presses is crucial. Experiment with different rhythms to find what works best for you.
  • Combine with Jumps: You can combine the Spindash with jumps to perform advanced moves and reach higher platforms.


The Spindash is a quintessential move for any Sonic Superstars player. It’s not only iconic but also incredibly useful for traversing levels, defeating enemies, and achieving high speeds. With practice and the right timing, you’ll become a Spindash master in no time.

So, go ahead and give it a spin in the game, and don’t forget to share your Spindash success stories with fellow players. Happy gaming!

Original credit for this Spindash guide goes to the original author, THE S*X MASTER.

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