Phantom Brigade: A Guide to Reactor And Thrusters Stats

Phantom Brigade is a turn-based tactical game that puts players in control of a squad of mechs. As players progress through the game, they have the opportunity to upgrade their mechs with new thrusters. If you are a fan of the Phantom Brigade Game, you also know that reactors are an essential part of your mech’s loadout. Reactors are responsible for powering your weapons, shields, and movement systems.

In this article, we will be discussing the various reactor stats available in Phantom Brigade and how they affect your mech’s performance and we’ll also take a closer look at the different types of thrusters available in Phantom Brigade, as well as the specific stats for each thruster.

Type of Reactors

The first thing to consider is the type of reactor. There are four types of reactors in the game – Utility, Combat, Speed, and Heavy. Utility reactors are designed to improve your mech’s abilities, while Combat reactors are for offensive purposes. Speed reactors are for mobility, and Heavy reactors are for defense.

Barrier Regeneration

Barrier Regeneration is a crucial stat for Utility reactors. Barrier is a type of shield that absorbs damage and protects your mech. The higher the Barrier Regeneration stat, the faster your Barrier will regenerate.

Heat Dissipation

Heat Dissipation is a vital stat for Combat reactors. Combat actions generate heat, and if your mech overheats, it will shut down temporarily. The higher the Heat Dissipation stat, the faster your mech can cool down.

Heat Capacity

Heat Capacity is another important stat for Combat reactors. This stat determines how much heat your mech can generate before shutting down due to overheating.


Power is a stat that is important for all reactor types. This stat determines how much power your reactor can generate, which in turn powers your mech’s various systems.

Scatter (Idle/ Moving)

Scatter is a stat that affects your mech’s accuracy. The higher the Scatter stat, the less accurate your mech will be when firing. Idle Scatter affects your accuracy when standing still, and Moving Scatter affects your accuracy when moving.

Kinetic/ Heat/ Impact/ Stagger

These are four different types of damage that your mech can deal. The type of damage depends on the weapon you are using. Reactors can affect the damage type by increasing or decreasing the damage output.


Thrust is a stat that affects your mech’s movement. The higher the Thrust stat, the faster your mech can move.

Now that you know the various reactor stats available in Phantom Brigade, it’s time to look at the reactors themselves. Here is a breakdown of the reactors available in the game:

Phantom Brigade: Reactor

Understanding Thrusters in Phantom Brigade

Before we dive into the specific thrusters available in Phantom Brigade, it’s important to understand how thrusters work in the game. Thrusters are used to move your mechs around the battlefield. Each thruster has a specific amount of thrust, which determines how far your mech can move. However, using your thrusters generates heat, which can cause your mech to overheat if you’re not careful. Overheating can result in your mech taking damage, so it’s important to use your thrusters strategically.

The Different Types of Thrusters

There are three different types of thrusters available in Phantom Brigade: distance, combat, and utility. Each type of thruster is designed for a specific purpose and has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Distance Thrusters

Distance thrusters are designed to move your mech quickly across the battlefield. These thrusters have a high amount of thrust and are ideal for getting your mech into position quickly. However, they also generate a lot of heat, so it’s important to use them sparingly.

T1 Reach

The T1 Reach is a distance thruster that generates 92 heat and provides 100 thrust. It has a scatter of -2 when idle or moving.

T5 Hotrod

The T5 Hotrod is another distance thruster that generates 96 heat and provides 80 thrust. It has a scatter of 0 when idle or moving.

Combat Thrusters

Combat thrusters are designed to help your mech maneuver in combat. These thrusters have a lower amount of thrust than distance thrusters, but they generate less heat, making them ideal for use in combat situations.

T3 Flashpoint

The T3 Flashpoint is a combat thruster that generates 72 heat and provides 70 thrust. It has a scatter of 0 when idle or moving.

T6 Sidestep

The T6 Sidestep is another combat thruster that generates 64 heat and provides 60 thrust. It has a scatter of 1 when idle or moving.

Utility Thrusters

Utility thrusters are designed to provide support to your mech in a variety of ways. These thrusters have a lower amount of thrust than distance thrusters, but they generate even less heat than combat thrusters.

T2 Endurance

The T2 Endurance is a utility thruster that generates 60 heat and provides 70 thrust.

You can find out the available thrusters in the below table:

Phantom Brigade: Thrusters


The Phantom Brigade game offers a variety of reactors and thrusters to suit different playstyles and roles. It is essential to consider the type of mech and role you are playing when selecting a reactor and thruster. The reactors offer different bonuses and capacities, while the thrusters provide different levels of speed and agility. Understanding the stats and characteristics of each reactor and thruster will allow players to create the most efficient and effective mechs possible.

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