How to Get Rotten Achievement in God Of Weapons (Ultimate Guide)

Hey there, game enthusiasts! If you’re looking to score the Rotten achievement in God of Weapons, you’re in the right place. This guide will walk you through the steps to obtain this achievement and make you a master of inflicting conditions. Let’s get started!

How to Obtain Rotten Achievement

To earn the coveted Rotten achievement, you need to inflict Fire, Shock, and Slow on the “First” Boss while playing as the Shaman. It’s a challenging feat, but with the right strategy, you can conquer it.

The Achievement

Inflicting the Conditions

Now, let’s break down how to inflict these conditions one by one:


You’ll want to equip a weapon that can set your enemies on fire. Look for a weapon that has the ability to cause “Burning.” This will be your key to the Fire condition.


To shock your foes, you’ll need an Electric weapon that can induce “Shock.” This electrifying effect will help you meet the Shock condition.


Lastly, for the Slow condition, you’ll require an Ice weapon that can induce “Slow” or “Freeze.” This chilly effect will slow down your enemies, making it easier to meet the criteria.

ConditionRecommended Weapon TypeEffect
FireFire WeaponInflicts “Burning”
ShockElectric WeaponInflicts “Shock”
SlowIce WeaponInflicts “Slow”

The “First” Boss

The “First” Boss you need to face is located on Floor 20, and you should tackle this challenge on Difficulty 1. This boss fight will put your skills to the test, so be prepared for a fierce battle.


To wrap it up, here’s your winning strategy:

  1. Play as the Shaman character.
  2. Choose Difficulty 1 for the challenge.
  3. Equip at least one Electric, Fire, and Ice Weapon.
  4. Make your way to the “First” Boss on Floor 20.

Wands and Staffs are excellent weapon choices for inflicting conditions, so keep that in mind as you prepare for your epic showdown.


Q1: Can I use any character other than the Shaman to get the Rotten achievement?

A: No, you must play as the Shaman character to earn the Rotten achievement.

Q2: Do I need to be on Difficulty 1 to unlock the achievement?

A: Yes, you should choose Difficulty 1 for the best chance of unlocking the Rotten achievement.

Q3: Are there specific weapons that work best for inflicting conditions?

A: Wands and Staffs are great choices for inflicting conditions, but make sure they have the necessary attributes for Fire, Shock, and Slow.

Q4: Can I use multiple weapons to inflict the conditions, or do I need one weapon with all three attributes?

A: You can use multiple weapons, as long as each weapon has one of the required attributes: Fire, Shock, and Slow.

Q5: How challenging is the “First” Boss fight on Floor 20?

A: The “First” Boss fight can be quite challenging, so be prepared for a tough battle. Practice your skills, and you’ll succeed!

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