Terra Nil Animal Scanning (100% Complete Guide)

Terra Nil is an eco-friendly strategy game where players restore a barren wasteland back to a lush environment. In the game, one of the challenges is to scan all the animals in each region. However, this information is not readily available in-game until after you discover the animal, making it difficult for players to achieve a 100% completion. That’s why we have created this Terra Nil Animal Scanning guide to make it easier for you to complete the game without wasting your time.

Where to Find the Animals In Terra Nil

Animals can be found in specific regions. Each region has its own set of animals that players need to scan. The Temperate region is the first region you encounter in the game.

How to Use This Guide

To use this guide, first, identify which animal you are trying to scan, then refer to the guide for the specific requirements for that animal. Make sure all requirements are met within the scanning circle, and you will successfully scan the animal.

Terra Nil Animal Scanning Guide Each animal in the game has a maximum of three requirements, and not every animal will have three. To scan for each animal, make sure that all the requirements are met within the scanning circle.

Temperate region:

Deer – The Grazer of the Grasslands

Deer are herbivores that live in herds on open grasslands. To scan them, you need to be within range of at least 20 Greenery tiles. Keep in mind that Greenery tiles are different from Forest tiles, which are required for other animals.

Frog – The Amphibian of the Wetlands

Frogs are small amphibians that live in the reeds of wetlands near Fynbos fields. To scan them, you need to be within range of at least 10 Wetland tiles and at least 5 Fynbos tiles.

Brown Bear – The Large Caniform of the Forest

Brown bears are large caniforms that make their home in a forest with a beehive on a hill. To scan them, you need to be within range of at least 20 Forest tiles and on a hill of at least 20 tiles. You also need to be in range of a beehive.

Goose – The Waterfowl of the Lakes

Geese are web-footed waterfowl that rest in large lakes. To scan them, you need to be in a lake with a radius of at least 4. This can be a challenge, as you may need to create an artificial lake with an excavator. Keep in mind that sometimes the game will accept a really wide river as a lake.

Beaver – The Industrious Rodent of the Rivers

Beavers are industrious rodents that build their homes on rivers near forests. To scan them, you need to be within range of a river and at least 10 Forest tiles. Similar to the goose, you may need to create an artificial river with excavator lines.

Timber Wolf – The Predator of the Forest

Timber wolves are predators that prowl in forests near sources of prey. To scan them, you need to be within range of at least 15 Forest tiles and a group of deer. Keep in mind that it can be challenging to find a group of deer, as they tend to wander around.

Tropical Region

We’ll explore the tropical region and its unique wildlife, including the Tortoise, Manta Ray, Parrot, Flamingo, Reef Shark, and Whale.

Tortoise – A Beach-Dwelling Reptile

The Tortoise is a slow-moving reptile that prefers to live on an island where it can retreat into its shell. To scan this animal, you’ll need to have at least 10 Beach tiles within range and be on an island. However, the game is quite picky about what it considers an island. You may need to create an artificial one if the map does not have a suitable one.

Manta Ray – An Unusually Shaped Creature of the Ocean

The Manta Ray is a stunningly beautiful animal that glides in the ocean near river estuaries and coral reefs. Scanning the Manta Ray requires at least 8 Ocean tiles, 6 Coral Reef tiles, and 3 River tiles within range. The game can be finicky about the River tiles, so make sure you have at least three that the game counts as River tiles.

Parrot – A Colourful Bird of the Lush Forest Canopies

The Parrot is a colourful bird that makes its home in the lush forest canopies beneath clear skies. To scan this animal, you’ll need to have at least 20 Tropical Forest tiles within range, and no buildings should be in range. Keep in mind that Parrots will not appear on the scanner until buildings are out of their range, so you may want to start scanning for them after you’ve begun cleaning up the map.

Flamingo – A Wader of Beaches and Wetlands

The Flamingo is a wading bird that combs for food among the sand of beaches and the mud of wetlands. To scan this animal, you’ll need to have at least 10 Beach tiles and 10 Wetland tiles within range.

Reef Shark – An Aquatic Predator of Coral and Mangrove Forests

The Reef Shark is an aquatic predator that lives in dense coral and the waters of mangrove forests. Scanning this animal requires at least 16 Coral Reef tiles and 4 Mangroves tiles within range. Additionally, the temperature must be at least 20°C.

Whale – A Large Pelagic Mammal of the Deep Ocean

The Whale is a majestic and massive pelagic mammal that swims in the deep waters of the ocean, far from land. To scan this animal, you’ll need to have at least 20 Ocean tiles within range, and you must be in an area of deep ocean with at least 10 tiles. No land should be within range.

Polar Region

find every animal in the polar region, including their requirements and location.

Elk – The Snow-Dwelling Herbivore

The Elk is a herbivore that lives in the snow and feeds on lichen and plants. To find the Elk, you need to search for areas with at least 6 lichen tiles and 20 snow tiles. Look for open spaces with snow cover and scan the area until you find a group of Elks.

Snowy Owl – The Bird of the Boreal Forests

The Snowy Owl is a bird that roosts in the boreal forests and soars over the open tundra. To scan for the Snowy Owl, you need to look for areas with at least 10 forest tiles and 10 tundra tiles. These areas are usually covered in snow and have trees with open spaces. Scan the area until you find the Snowy Owl.

Arctic Fox – The Camouflaged Predator

The Arctic Fox is a camouflaged predator that prowls the tundra plains. To scan for the Arctic Fox, look for areas with at least 10 snow tiles and 10 tundra tiles. These areas are usually open spaces with snow cover. Scan the area until you find the Arctic Fox.

Narwhal – The Tusk-Bearing Whale

The Narwhal is a tusk-bearing whale that swims in cold ocean waters and under the ice. To find the Narwhal, look for areas with at least 20 ocean tiles and 4 ice sheet tiles. These areas are usually covered in ice, and the water is dark. The temperature should be at -10°C or lower. Scan the area until you find the Narwhal.

Penguin – The Flightless Bird of the Ice

Contrary to popular belief, Penguins do not live in the polar region of Terra Nil. Instead, you should search for the Elk near the ocean.

Polar Bear – The King of the Arctic

The Polar Bear is a large predator that wanders its snowy territory next to the ocean. To scan for the Polar Bear, look for areas with at least 16 snow tiles and 6 ocean tiles. These areas are usually near a source of prey, such as a group of Elk. Scan the area until you find the Polar Bear.

Continental Region

The Continental Region is home to six unique creatures, each with their own specific requirements. We’ll show you the best locations to find them and ensure that you get 100% in this region.

Turtle – Bask in the Beauty of the Lagoon

Turtles are found in the Continental Region, frolicking in a large lagoon. To locate them, you must ensure that you have at least 20 Lagoon tiles within range. These creatures prefer to live in calm, shallow waters and can be found sunbathing on rocks. Once you’ve found them, make sure to protect their habitat by cleaning up the polluted areas.

Peacock – Strut on the Wide Open Grasslands

Peacocks are the showstoppers of the Continental Region, and they prefer to strut their stuff on wide open grasslands. You can locate them by ensuring that you have at least 24 Greenery tiles within range. These flamboyant birds love to show off their colorful feathers and are known to make a distinctive call. Once you’ve found them, it’s important to keep their habitat pristine by planting more trees and cleaning up pollution.

Panda – Nibble on Bamboo near the Glade

The Panda is a gentle giant that happily nibbles on bamboo near a glade. To find them, make sure you have at least 20 Bamboo tiles and 20 Greenery tiles within range. These creatures are known for their adorable looks and playful nature, but their habitat is under threat due to deforestation. Ensure that you restore their habitat by planting more trees and cleaning up the pollution.

Eagle – Rule the Skies in a Tall Structure

Eagles are fierce predators that make their home in a tall structure near to a source of prey. To locate them, ensure that you have at least 6 Derelict Skyscraper tiles within range and a group of Boar. These birds are known for their sharp eyesight and powerful talons, making them one of the deadliest predators in Terra Nil. Protect their habitat by cleaning up the pollution and planting more trees.

Boar – Root for Tubers in the Deciduous Forest

Boars are widespread suiforms that root for tubers in the undergrowth of a deciduous forest. To find them, make sure you have at least 8 Greenery tiles and 12 Deciduous Forest tiles within range. These creatures are known for their strength and resilience and can be a source of food for predators like the eagle. Protect their habitat by planting more trees and cleaning up the pollution.

Sea Otter – Dart among the Fronds of a Kelp Forest

Sea Otters are endangered marine mammals that dart among the fronds of a kelp forest. To locate them, ensure that you have at least 12 Ocean tiles and 12 Kelp Forest tiles within range. These creatures are known for their cute looks and playful behavior but are under threat due to pollution and overfishing. Protect their habitat by cleaning up the pollution and ensuring that their food source is abundant.


Our Terra Nil Animal Scanning guide provides players with all the necessary information to scan every animal in the Temperate region. With this guide, you can complete the game with ease, saving you time and effort. Don’t forget to use this guide whenever you encounter a new animal to scan in Terra Nil. Good luck!

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