Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Enemy Types, Armour Types and Weaknesses (Full Guide)

In this article, we’ll explore the diverse enemy types and armor classes that players will encounter in the upcoming co-op action game, Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. From infested Poxwalkers to fearsome Monstrosities, we’ll examine each enemy’s unique traits, defenses, and weak points, as well as the most effective weapons and tactics to overcome them. Whether you’re a seasoned Warhammer veteran or a newcomer to the franchise, this guide will help you prepare for the epic battles that await in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium.

Warhammer 40,000 Darktide Enemy Types

Are you planning to enter the Warhammer 40,000: Darktide battlefield anytime soon? Then, you better know your enemies before you step in. The Darktide enemy types are a deadly combination of Infested, Scabs, Dregs, Unyielding, and Monstrosity. Keep reading to know more about them.

Poxwalkers: The Infested Dead

Poxwalkers are a terrifying sight with their infested body and slow movements. They are the slowest enemy in the game but can make up for it with their high damage resistance. Be sure to aim for their head or weak points to take them down quickly.

Plague Hounds: The Four-legged Demons

Plague Hounds are fast, four-legged enemies that can catch you off-guard. They attack in packs and are immune to poison damage. Use your ranged weapons to take them down from a distance and avoid getting bitten.

Plague Burster: The Walking Bombs

Plague Bursters are walking bombs that will explode on impact, causing massive damage to anyone nearby. Shoot them from a distance to avoid getting caught in the blast radius.

Mutant: The Mysterious Enemy

The Mutant is a mysterious enemy that is hard to classify. They are fast, agile, and have strong melee attacks. Aim for their head or weak points to take them down quickly.

Regular Melee Units: The Frontline Warriors

The Regular Melee Units are the frontline warriors of the Darktide enemy types. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down. Use high-damage weapons to take them down quickly.

Regular Ranged Units: The Snipers

The Regular Ranged Units are the snipers of the Darktide enemy types. They are fast, agile, and deadly accurate. Use cover and avoid standing in one place to avoid getting hit.

Trapper: The Sneaky Enemy

The Trapper is a sneaky enemy that can catch you off-guard. They are fast and have strong melee attacks. Be sure to keep moving and avoid getting trapped.

Rager: The Angry Enemy

The Rager is an angry enemy that charges at you with its melee attack. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down. Use high-damage weapons to take them down quickly.

Mauler: The Heavy Hitter

The Mauler is a heavy hitter that can deal massive damage with its melee attack. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down. Use high-damage weapons to take them down quickly.

Bomber: The Explosive Enemy

The Bomber is an explosive enemy that will explode on impact, causing massive damage to anyone nearby. Shoot them from a distance to avoid getting caught in the blast radius.

Flamer: The Firestarter

The Flamer is a firestarter enemy that can light you up with its flamethrower attack. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down. Use high-damage weapons to take them down quickly.

Gunner: The Heavy Firepower

The Gunner is a heavy firepower enemy that can deal massive damage with its heavy weapon. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down. Use high-damage weapons to take them down quickly.

Sniper: The Deadly Marksman

The Sniper is a deadly marksman that can take you out from a distance. They are fast, agile, and deadly accurate. Use cover and avoid standing in one place to avoid getting hit.

Shotgunner: The Close-range Attacker

The Shotgunner is a close-range attacker that can deal massive damage with its shotgun. They are heavily armored, making them tough to take down.

Darktide Flak Armored Enemies: Strategies and Weaknesses

Darktide Flak Armored Enemies are a common sight in the game and can be quite difficult to deal with if not approached strategically. These enemies are heavily armored, and their flak armor can absorb a lot of damage, making them a formidable opponent. Some examples of Flak Armored enemies in Darktide include the Dregs, Unyielding, and Monstrosity.

The best way to deal with these enemies is to target their weak points, which are usually located around their joints or other exposed areas. Using weapons that deal high burst damage, like shotguns or grenades, can also be effective in breaking through their armor. It’s important to note that some Flak Armored enemies may have different types of armor, such as reinforced or plasteel, which may require different tactics to defeat.

One thing to keep in mind when facing Flak Armored enemies is to avoid using weapons that deal small amounts of damage per shot, such as pistols or submachine guns. These weapons may take longer to break through their armor, giving the enemy more time to attack or retreat. Additionally, some Flak Armored enemies may have additional defenses, such as shields or energy fields, that can make them even more difficult to take down.

Overall, dealing with Darktide Flak Armored enemies requires a combination of strategic thinking, quick reflexes, and powerful weaponry. By targeting their weak points and using the right tactics, you can overcome these tough opponents and emerge victorious in the world of Darktide.

Darktide Enemy Armor Types

As you progress through Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, you’ll encounter various types of enemies, each with its unique armor types. Understanding enemy armor types is essential in identifying their strengths and weaknesses, which will allow you to deal with them more effectively.

Darktide Armor Classes

There are several different armor classes in Darktide that you’ll encounter throughout the game, including:

  • Light Armor: This type of armor is relatively weak and doesn’t provide much protection, making enemies with light armor easier to take down.
  • Medium Armor: Medium armor provides more protection than light armor and can reduce the amount of damage you deal.
  • Heavy Armor: Heavy armor provides the most protection and can be very challenging to take down. Enemies with heavy armor are the toughest to deal with.

Darktide Enemy Weak Points

Each enemy in Darktide has different weak points that you can exploit to take them down more quickly. For example, some enemies may have exposed heads or limbs that are vulnerable to attack, while others may have glowing weak points on their bodies.

Knowing an enemy’s weak points is crucial to taking them down quickly and efficiently, especially when dealing with enemies with heavy armor.

Darktide Enemy Defenses

In addition to armor, enemies in Darktide may also have various types of defenses, such as shields or force fields, that can make them even more challenging to deal with.

For example, some enemies may have energy shields that protect them from ranged attacks, while others may have force fields that can absorb damage from any direction.

You’ll need to use the right tactics and weapons to penetrate these defenses and take down the enemy.

Darktide Enemy Vulnerabilities

While enemies in Darktide may have various defenses and armor types, they also have vulnerabilities that you can exploit to deal maximum damage.

For example, some enemies may be weak against fire damage, while others may be more vulnerable to melee attacks.

Knowing the enemy’s vulnerabilities is crucial to dealing maximum damage and taking them down quickly.

Darktide Gameplay

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide is a co-op game, and you’ll need to work together with your teammates to take down enemies effectively.

Each player can choose a unique class, such as the melee-focused Assault or the ranged-focused Heavy, each with its unique abilities and weapons.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each class and how they work together is crucial to succeeding in Darktide.


In Warhammer 40,000: Darktide, understanding the different enemy types and their armor types, weak points, defenses, and vulnerabilities is crucial to taking them down effectively.

Working together with your teammates and using the right tactics and weapons is essential to succeeding in Darktide’s challenging co-op gameplay.

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